Gene Watson Remembers Billie Jo Spears: Tuesday 14 January 2020

Billie Jo Spears (Friday 14 January 1938 - Wednesday 14 December 2011)

Gene Watson remembers Billie Jo Spears (Friday 14 January 1938 – Wednesday 14 December 2011) from Beaumont, Texas

Gene Watson

‘I wanted to be sure and remember our old friend, Billie Jo Spears, who was born on this day in Beaumont, Texas in 1937.

Her biggest hit was the 1975 ‘Blanket On The Ground’.

Billie Jo and I recorded a few songs together, but they were never released.

She toured the United Kingdom quite a bit, and had a great following there.

She died of cancer, aged 73, on Wednesday 14 December 2011′

Gene Watson

Billie Jo Spears: 'Blanket On The Ground' (United Artists Records, 1975)

Billie Jo Spears recorded ‘Blanket On The Ground’, which was written by Roger D. Bowling (Sunday 3 December 1944 – Sunday 26 December 1982), and included the track on ‘Blanket On The Ground’ (United Artists Records, 1975); the track was No.1 on the Billboard country music singles chart for one week in April / May 1975, and No.78 on the Billboard Hot 100 pop music singles chart in 1975.

Gene Watson: 'Love In The Hot Afternoon' (Capitol Records, 1975)
Billie Jo Spears: 'Standing Tall' (United Artists Records, 1980)

Continuing the Gene Watson / Billie Jo Spears connection, Gene Watson recorded ‘You Could Know As Much About A Stranger’ (written by Nadine Bryant) and included the track on his (major record label) debut album, ‘Love In The Hot Afternoon‘ (Capitol Records, 1975).

Billie Jo Spears (Friday 14 January 1938 – Wednesday 14 December 2011) recorded ‘You Could Know As Much About A Stranger’ (written by Nadine Bryant) and included the track on ‘Standing Tall’ (United Artists Records, 1980).