Gene Watson & Dottie West Share Birthday at Capitol Records: Monday 13 June 2022

Gene Watson

On Monday 13 June 2022, Gene Watson reflected on he and Dottie West’s birthday celebrations at Capitol Records in the late 1970s.

Capitol Records

‘Country music’s Dottie West (Tuesday 11 October 1932 – Wednesday 4 September 1991) and I shared the exact same birthday, 11 October.

Back when we also shared a record label, Capitol Records, we’d often have a celebration together to mark our special day.

Jim Mazza, Don Grierson, Charlie Rich, Dottie West, Kenny Buttrey, Jerry Seabolt, Gene Watson and Lynn Shults at Capitol Records office, probably 1978 or 1979

Here’s a photo I found recently that I thought you might enjoy.  This was at the Capitol Records office, probably 1978 or 1979, and I can’t recall all of the Capitol staff pictured here, but I can name a few, and I’m sure you’ll recognize the great Charlie Rich (Wednesday 14 December 1932 – Tuesday 25 July 1995) holding the cake with Dottie West (Tuesday 11 October 1932 – Wednesday 4 September 1991).

Others in this photo are left to right: Jim Mazza, Don Grierson (1942 – Saturday 5 January 2019), Charlie Rich (Wednesday 14 December 1932 – Tuesday 25 July 1995), Dottie West (Tuesday 11 October 1932 – Wednesday 4 September 1991), Kenny Buttrey (Sunday 1 April 1945 – Sunday 12 September 2004), Jerry Seabolt, me, and on the very far right, Lynn Shults’

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