On Friday 1 April 2022, Gene Watson announced that, while in Arlington, Texas on the evening of Thursday 31 March 2022, he had enjoyed a visit with Mary & Randy Travis.

‘We had a nice surprise last night in Arlington, TX when good friends, Mary & Randy Travis, came to our show.

Randy and I worked many, many shows together over the years.
Randy almost single-handedly brought real country music back to the top of the charts back when our music was heading in another direction.
Randy is a member of The Country Music Hall of Fame, with 7 Grammy Awards, 6 CMA Awards, 11 ACM Awards and a star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame’

• Gene Watson on Facebook

On Monday 17 October 1988, Gene Watson saw the release of ‘Back In The Fire‘ (Warner Bros. Records, 1988), which included the following sleeve note:
‘Thanks to Randy Travis (for remaining a friend for twelve years and for giving me my favourite song: ‘The Great Divide’), Martha Sharp (for signing me to Warner Bros.), Gregg Brown (for taking time out of his busy schedule and working with me for days on end, selecting and reviewing my music), and to Paul Worley and Nick Hunter and the entire staff at Warner Bros. Records (for being so warm and enthusiastic).
It’s the first time in my career that I’ve had people care so much.
This is a brand new start and career for Gene Watson’
‘Following the release of three Gene Watson albums on Epic Records, ‘Memories to Burn‘ (Epic Records, 1985), ‘Starting New Memories‘ (Epic Records, 1986) and ‘Honky Tonk Crazy‘ (Epic Records, 1987), the label began to devote their resources toward ‘younger’ artists.
As a result, Gene Watson didn’t seem to quite ‘fit’ the record label image.
After a three-year absence from the Billboard Top 10, Gene Watson’s disillusionment with his career grew and he seriously considered retirement.
It was during his heavy touring schedule with his Farewell Party Band that Gene Watson began playing dates with a new, young artist (at the time) called Randy Travis.
It was Randy Travis‘ (then) manager, Lib Hatcher, who convinced Gene Watson to stay in the business. Lib Hatcher began managing Gene Watson (he signed a personal management / booking contract with her) and secured a recording contract for him with Warner Bros. Records.
Gene Watson’s ‘Back In The Fire‘ (Warner Bros. Records, 1988) was his debut album for Warner Bros. Records.
The debut single from the album, ‘Don’t Waste It On The Blues’ (written by Sandy Ramos and Jerry Vandiver), reached No.5 on the Billboard country music singles chart in 1988, while three further singles were also released; ‘Back In The Fire’ (written by Rory Bourke and Mike Reid) (No.20, 1988), ‘The Jukebox Played Along’ (written by Ken Bell and Charles Quillen) (No.25, 1988) and ‘The Great Divide’ (written by John Lindley and Randy Travis) (No.41, 1988)’.
Gene Watson’s ‘Back In The Fire‘ (Warner Bros. Records, 1988), which was produced by Paul Worley, Ed Seay and Gregg Brown, reached No.42 on the Billboard Top Country Albums Chart in 1989.
On Friday 11 Novemberr 2016, Morello Records released Gene Watson’s ‘Back In The Fire‘ (Warner Bros. Records, 1988), along with Gene Watson’s ‘At Last‘ (Warner Bros. Records, 1991), as a special ‘2-on-1‘ CD set (WMRLL 66).

This special CD brought together two pivotal albums from Gene Watson’s brief, but extraordinary time, with Warner Bros. Records; ‘Back In The Fire‘ (Warner Bros. Records, 1988) and ‘At Last‘ (Warner Bros. Records, 1991).