Gene Watson: ‘Outside The Box’ (Fourteen Carat Music, 2022) Album Release Special in Nashville on Wednesday 17 August 2022

Gene Watson

On Friday 12 August 2022, Gene Watson announced that he would be taping a celebration of his new album, ‘Out of The Box‘ (Fourteen Carat Music, 2022), at SiriusXM Theater in Nashville on Wednesday 17 August 2022.

A Celebration of Gene Watson's new album, 'Out of The Box' (Fourteen Carat Music, 2022), with an exclusive Album Release Special performance and conversation, hosted by Jeannie Seely, commencing at 5:00pm Central Time on Wednesday 17 August 2022 at SiriusXM Music City Theatre, 501 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203

On Wednesday 17 August 2022, Gene Watson participated in a SiriusXM Willie’s Roadhouse taping, which was a Celebration of his new album, ‘Outside The Box‘ (Fourteen Carat Music, 2022).

Gene Watson: 'Out of The Box' (Fourteen Carat Music, 2022)

The taping, which was an exclusive Album Release Special, included performance and conversation, and was hosted by Jeannie Seely, at SiriusXM Music City Theatre, Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway in Nashville (TN 37203), commencing at 5:00pm Central Time.

Gene Watson on Facebook