Gene Watson Reminisces About His Tour Buses In The 1970s & 1980s: Thursday 18 February 2021

Gene Watson

On Thursday 18 February 2021, Gene Watson was reminiscing about his tour travel arrangements in the 1970s and 1980s.

Gene Watson's The Hailball Express, his first touring bus, a 1957 GM 4104 35'

‘I’ve been sorting a few photos and I wanted to show you my first bus, a 1957 GM 4104 35’.

This was the bus the police impounded and let it set so long in the freezing weather that the motor froze.  I won my case, but lost my bus.

Forced me to buy my first brand new bus, a 1980 Silver Eagle.

Gene Watson's The Hailball Express, his first touring bus, a 1957 GM 4104 35' / pictured with Gene Watson are his nieces Glenda (left) and Norma (right)

Two of my nieces are in this photo with the old bus.  I missed a few buttons on the shirt, but it’s the bus here that’s important’

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